Buisness man/ playboy: Jack Branning

Geeky Small Boy: Tamwar Masood

Nice one: Billy Mitchel

The Thug: Phil Mitchel

The wise man: Patrick Truman

All forms of media uses sterotypes both male and female. some may be correct and some may be incorrect but non the less they are essential to all media aspects as the madjority have to appeal to a wide audience.
Theis is emphsised in Richard Dyer's theory on the matter of images.
" How we are seen determins how we are treated, how we treat others is based on how we see them. how we see them comes from representation."
I can apply this to some of the pictures above.
Busness man/ Playboy: in this image we see jack Branning. He is wearing a grey suit with a white shirt, this shows that hes keen for buisness, which could show formality. but his face is of the 'seductive' catogory. He has sort of pout on his face, eyes quite narrow and his head is tilted. This could show is playboy side.
Geeky Small Boy: In this image we see Tamwar masood. He is wearing a shirt and Green jumper, this colour could maybe show that he is jelious and wants to be popular, but what he is dreeses in is not helping him. also the fact he is wearing glasses. sterotypicaly a nerd would wear glasses. so when we aee them on Tamwar we automatically think he is a nerd.
Emily. Be careful with your final comment. The one thing I hoped we took away from Wednesday's lesson is the fact that all media reality is constructed and selected. Characters in soaps are predominately stereotypes as they have to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. Consider this when analysing the characters above.
ReplyDeleteWell done for updating your blog but when I said consider this I didn't mean copy what I said.
ReplyDeleteTo continue to improve you are going to need to start applying theory. You can do something as simple as analysing the mise en scene of the above images or if you really want to stretch yourself academically then why not analyse the characters in depth. What stereotypes do they demonstrate? What function do they serve within the narrative etc?
You are improving in leaps and bounds but remember when you leap and bound you will occasionally fall over, its how you dust yourself down and start over again which will be important should you fall.
Well done
is this better mr.smith? i have tried to apply the theory i dont know if i works though?
ReplyDeleteThis is better Emily. Try and avoid words like 'nerd' though. I don't watch Eastenders so my advice will be limited however consider racial stereotypes surrounding Asians. What career paths do they stereotypically take. Similarly why are business men in soaps traditionally shown as being manipulative and lascivious.