Monday, 4 January 2010

AS foundation portfolio. 'checklist'

1. Juno opening titles swede
2. Analysis of film opening from Youtube
3. Analysis of student opening
4. Prelim task and evaluation
5. 25 word pitch
6. Make a company logo and Ident
7. Nine frames moodboard sheet
8. Titles timeline from art of the Title
9. Storyboard and animatic
10. Recce shots and photos on the shoot
11. Screengrabs throughout editing
12. Rough cut for feedback


  1. Emily, Jack and Hannah.

    Mr Ford has instructions on his blog regarding what must be completed by Monday's lesson. These instructions are:

    "create a label list (this will make it easier for the examiner to navigate your blog)

    make sure all posts are labelled correctly (labels for all practical should have G321 followed by planning, filming etc)

    create a link list (you can then include links to similar sites)

    add a link to: which is the course schedule
    read the schedule and make sure you are up to date

    access this sheet (audience profile) via scribd and complete.

    upload your completed audience profile to scribd and embed in your blog.

    create a short term (one week) to do list and add a to be completed by date (clearly identify who is responsible for what, remember although you are in a group you MAY NOT all get the same grade if we feel one member has not pulled their weight.)

    It is really important that you don't fall behind. You all have a lot to do and a clearly defined period of time to do it in. You need to use your own time more productively to ensure all tasks are completed. The Media room is available after School and at lunch."

    Currently your group blog is at level 2 (out of 4, 4 being highest and 1 lowest). You have a very strong idea and your actual pitch was excellent but the planning aspect of your blog is lacking. If you look on Emily's blog she has the run down on what makes a level 4 Blog. I have included a link to a high level 3 film blog beneath.

    I believe that as a group you are capable of achieving a level 4 for all aspects, planning, production and evaluation but in order to do this you will need to divide tasks according to your own skills.

    Good luck and I hope you get the grade you deserve.

  2. Emily, Jack and Hannah.

    Your going to have to create a new blog and copy and post your existing work over to it as it's still not possible to post comments on it. Having comments is essential, as part of the evaluation requires you to demonstrate appreciation of audience feedback. This is a very easy thing to do and will take seconds so isn't anything to stress about.

    Next week is key as the WHOLE year will be editing and using camera's etc. If you've got access to Jack's Mac then make use of that, if you can get stuff onto YouTube then this will expand the potential for audience feedback.

    When editing take photo's of the equipment used etc as the exam board like to see annotated pics of new technology used.

    Finally, if you look on my blog it has links to evaluation activities from different schools. Try and be creative as possible, I think an audio commentary would suit your group best as you are all excellent at offering verbal feedback and often spark off one another.
